Free shipping on all orders above R1500

Eastern Cape Highlands Gear Order

Thank you so much for booking a spot(s) on our Eastern Cape Highlands trips. From both Diamond River Outfitters’ and Stream and Sea’s side, we are looking forward to spending time with you on the water and around the kitchen table. 

To express our gratitude, we are offering 15% discount for all orders placed by you before the trip. This includes the items on this page and any other items in our shop.

The process is simple:

  1. Open the products you want on this page, select the variant (if any) and add to your cart.
  2. Navigate to our store to add any other items should you wish to add anything extra.
  3. After adding items to your cart, click on “View Cart” and enter the coupon code to activate the discount.
  4. Proceed to checkout.
  5. Alternatively, get in touch with us directly (, to discuss any items you may need.

Your discount code



Fly Rods

Terminal Tackle

Eastern Cape Highlands

22-29 April 2023